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Monday, November 21, 2011

CityVille Cheats, Tips And Tricks In Facebook

Warning: Zynga (creator of CityVille) does not tolerate cheating and will ban cheating players permanently. does not encourage any form of illegal cheats or hacks.

CityVille Tips And Tricks:

Use Energy Tricks
You need energy points to do a lot of things in CityVille (build buildings, collect rent etc). The more energy points you have, the faster you can grow your City.
  • A quick way to get more energy is to visit neighbors. If you’re visiting a neighbor for the first time, CityVille rewards you with 3 energy points. If you’re visiting the same neighbor after 24 hours, CityVille rewards you with one energy point.

Get Neighbors Fast
The more neighbors you have in CityVille, the easier it is for you to complete goals and grow your City rapidly.
  • Besides getting neighbors to help you out at your City, there are several goals in CityVille that require your neighbors to send you gifts or you doing something for your neighbors!

Use CityVille Coins Tricks
You need lots of CityVille coins to build yourself a level 60 city!
  • Businesses earn you more coins than collecting rent! So the key is to have lots of businesses that can you can collect coins from.

That's all for now. I'll update this if I found things that might be helpful in this game.

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