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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tattoo Safety Questioned After Bali HIV Scare

Travelers who got tattoos or piercing while in Bali, Indonesia, have been warned to have themselves checked after a Western Australian man reportedly contracted HIV during a recent holiday trip to the resort island.

Health officials are warning travelers about the danger of getting tattoos or piercing in developing countries, saying the regulations and codes of practice in these countries don't necessarily comply with Australia's.

  • There are 4,200 HIV / AIDS case in Bali, Indonesia
While  the investigation is ongoing, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said individuals who want to avoid infections from HIV and viral hepatitis should make sure they don't share needles for tattoos, body piercings, or other injections.

Americas Food and Drug Administration has also launched a new tattoo studies to investigate a chemical in black ink called benzo(a) pyrene. This chemical has been shown to cause skin cancer in lab animals and malignant melanomas in some tattoos.

WebMD says getting a permanent tattoo requires breaking the skin and coming in contact with blood and body fluids.

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